Yaneisis Gonzalez - Post 1

In preparation for this group project, we have covered everything from what to say and how to present to what not to do. I've picked up a lot of skills that will help me give a better speech in the future. Although giving a speech can be nerve-wracking, I feel that there is nothing to worry about because of the information I have learned from each group. With a little self-confidence, a speech can go quite smoothly.

                                                                 Group 1

In this powerpoint, the presentation process was discussed. I like how they encouraged us to practice self-confidence in order to deal with our fears before giving a speech because, let's face it, most of us get anxious before giving a speech. Once you start thinking about your fears, you may find it difficult to concentrate on conveying the key points to your audience.

 Group 1 instructed us on what to avoid in a presentation, such as speaking on themes that are utilized frequently, speaking about illegal items, and obviously not offending the audience. Nothing is worse than insulting the audience you are speaking to. 

The last thing you should do is listen to thoughts in your head making yourself feel like others are judging you, this causes anxiety and prevents you from having a great performance in your speech. Your self confidence slowly builds up as you keep practicing and as you keep presenting in front of audiences. The more experience you have the higher your confidence builds. 

You know what's great about public speaking that also was mentioned by group 1? It is very important to use public speaking with not only careers but everyday life. It is very helpful and improves critical thinking and listening.

 I have learned that public speaking has importance. They are used to persuade, inform, and celebrate. Which means; to educate the audience, to convince and to deliver.

There are many things to analyze about your audience in order to know exactly what you should and should not talk about. for example; age, gender, location, interests, income level, occupation, values, opinions etc.

                                                                 Group 2

It is essential for you to gather accurate information and organize your speech properly so that the delivery is on the right track. Without a plan, your speech could end up being disorganized, making it difficult for the audience to comprehend what you intended to convey. In Group 2, we learn how to do everything mentioned above. We also learn how to pick the right words and how to use technology and visuals in the presentation. The preparation steps used to find the information and back up the ideas for your speech are: Topic selection Organization of ideas Supporting ideas Introduction and conclusion Practice and delivery Following all these steps has given me a clear idea of how I want to deliver my speech.

Supporting concepts assist the audience in comprehending your viewpoint or gaining additional knowledge from the argument you are making. Continuous practice, even when you think there is an audience in front of you, will help you develop the confidence you'll need for giving the actual speech. Your speech will be stronger the more research, examples, and anecdotes you have. Without their tales to share, comedians would not be as entertaining. Great evidence and backing are always present in a strong presentation. As a result, the plan provided is excellent for a speech that is well-organized and ensures that everything is covered.

The sources of information you use in your presentation are important. You can use your personal experience as evidence, as long as it’s not too personal. You can also use library resources such as books, journal articles, periodicals and newspapers. I personally use websites like Yahoo and google as sources of information when I’m researching for my presentation, but you’ll want to make sure you don’t find any wrong information there. Like group 2 said, you’ll need to look at server extensions to see if evidence is reliable. All data needs to be verified.

I learned that in interviews, the last thing people feel about you is what they see. Knowing this motivates you to make a good impression and to always ask the right questions to help you make that good impression during an interview. I love that there are a lot of visuals and multimedia used in this group project to explain different types of outlines. The videos helped the audience to better understand how the presentation and speeches we make should be structured.

                                                                 Group 3

Last but not least, group 3 taught us how to do informative speeches, persuasive presentations, preparing for special occasion presentations, and a good team. They taught us how to assist people in learning information when giving a speech, which I think is an important skill to have, especially since most presentations are designed to inform and educate the audience. To assist your audience in learning, it is always good to use humor. I have always found humor to be a great way to learn, making learning more enjoyable and helping me to understand and recall the information I am learning. Building on known knowledge helps the audience to understand the point because you are building knowledge on what the audience already knows.

I like the way each of these is presented with visuals and examples. I find sensory aids to be well-explained and visual when it comes to topics that are difficult to comprehend. This is something that helps me to understand a message because I’m also visual learners. One of the new things I learned from group 3 was that you need to reward your audience. What does this mean? Well, it means that you need to remind your audience how your information is valuable to them and why they need to know it.

I really enjoyed Abigail’s slide presentation on informative speaking skills. Great explanation on describing, explaining, demonstrating and defining in a speech format. Sabrina’s explanation and visualizations on how speech impacts you by introducing an image of the facial expression of someone being impacted by speech. Overall, I learned about important speech types and events like symposiums, debates and panels like the one in Hialeah Campus.
Congrats Congratulations GIF by Luna labs
I think everyone contributed to this project with great explanation, examples and images.


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