
Showing posts from October, 2023

Thierry Laguerre - Post 2

Post # 2   The AI presentations were quite interesting, to say the least. I got rid of a lot of preconceptions that were just ridiculous. I think everyone’s first impression of AI deep learning was that of a sci-fi movie and takeover. I really felt captivated by the topics that students spoke on. I guess it is because it was a topic of their interest and research.   Group 3 | Mental Health & Careers   First, Group 3 presented their research and opinions on AI related to mental health and careers. Some involved interviewing professionals in the space while others relied on hard evidence.    I was the first to present for my group after the host gave their introductions. I was quite pleased with how my slides turned out. I gave my presentation on government oversight and laws as it relates to AI. Luckily I was able to score an interview with an ENTEC advisor. In summary, she claimed that data engineers and scientists would benefit from AI in the workplace. As it pertains to safety, p